To change the download link: 1. Open the file "strings.xml" on the "properties" directory. 2. Find Tag "string id='DownloadLink'" 3. Change attribute "text" to reqired site. For changing the logos: 1. Open the file "strings.xml" on the "properties" directory. 2. Find Tag "logo" 3. Change value of the "path" attribute for your logo file or add new tag. Example: For new localization: 1. Open .html-file through which you are running .swf-file. Change a row to run swf file to enable custom flash settings.(key "country" and key "language"). Example: CoF.swf?language=en&country=US& The parameters of the loading of the game: language: en, nl, de, ru; country: US, NL, DE, RU; link: - link when you press the Download button; assetsDir - directory with localization sudirectories(as default: assetsDir is "properties") The localization file will be loaded from xml: .\properties\ru_RU\strings.xml the parameters: language=ru, country=RU, assetsDir=properties .\properties\en_US\strings.xml loaded without parameters