The HTML page is just an example, but contains important information about how to integrate the game into a partner web-site:
Note 3 very important things here:
1) the CLASSID attribute of the OBJECT tag
this string is unique for each game, and is needed both on the web page and as input to the tool that generates certificates (see below).
2) the DownloadUrl parameter
this is the URL that the game will open when the user presses the download button
the partner should provide their own page here.
OR if they want to send people to, the PARAM value should be omitted.
3) the Certificate parameter
this is a credential that enables the game to run on only authorized web sites.
the partner use the makeCertificate.exe utility (see below) to generate the certificate
HOW TO USE makeCertificate.exe
1. create a simple text file with the sites you want to authorize
e.g. a file might contain 2 domain names like this:
names can be more specific if you want to enable a specific server rather than an entire domain e.g.
say this file is named sites.txt
then run makeCertificate.exe from the command line like this and put the results in a certificate file.
makeCertificate.exe DC75FEF6-165D-4d25-A518-C8C4BDA7BAA6 sites.txt > certificate.txt
certificate.txt will then contain the certificate string.