APP_PAUSE = PAUSE btn_mpx_continue = Continue btn_mpx_download = Download btn_mpx_again = Play again more_playrix_button = More Playrix Games reset_button = Reset complete_text = Congratulations!\nYou've finished the web version of\nDreamscapes the Sandman main_text_0 = Get a free trial of the full downloadable game main_text_1 = The full version of the game offers: description_1 = - 50 various locations to wander around\n- Incredible dream worlds to visit\n- 2 play modes to enjoy\n- Dozens of achievements to get\n- Astonishing cutscenes in 3D\n- 15 bonus locations character_dialog_click_phrase = Click to continue character_dialog_skip_button = Skip Dialogue 01_professor_start = Damn! The power unit didn't start again.\nMy friend, I'm too old and it's hard for me to walk.\nWill you look for some fuses and replace them\nwhile I am checking the settings of the dream machine? 01_poster = SUBCONSCIOUSNESS 04_wall_1 = Don't trust 04_wall_2 = what you see 04_wall_3 = I'm alive 04_wall_4 = SAVE ME 06_poster_title = MUSICAL LOCK FOUND ITS PLACE. 06_poster_text = CEMETERY GATES ARE\nOPEN WHEN THE\nBELL MELODY IS\nRINGING IN THE CHURCH. 06_laura_grave_1 = Laura Young 06_laura_grave_2 = 1991 - 2012 07_father_grave_1 = PETER YOUNG 07_father_grave_2 = 1953-2005 07_stone_1 = LIFE IS A DREAM. 07_stone_2 = We all will\nwake up sometime. play_button = Play unlock_button = Download Full\nVersion ip_menu = MENU ip_hint = HINT ip_inventory = INVENTORY skip_button = Skip 00_intro_frame_1 = Are you having bad dreams? 00_intro_frame_2 = They say our brain makes up nightmares for us to handle the reality better. 00_intro_frame_3 = But who knows where the edge separating reality from dreams is? 00_intro_frame_5 = But sometimes when you loose your guard, when everything seems good, 00_intro_frame_6 = your nightmares, your childhood fears become real... 00_intro_frame_7 = And what should you do if waking up becomes impossible? 06_intro_frame_2 = Well, Laura, if you don't want to give me what I ask for, you'll die. 06_intro_frame_4 = But be assured that your death will be long and agonizing. global_hint_empty = There is nothing to do here. wrong_tool_1 = It doesn't fit. wrong_tool_2 = This won't work here. wrong_tool_3 = Hmm...not quite right, I'm afraid. incomplete_tool = I need to find all the pieces first. not_all_zones_visited = There are some unvisited areas left here. dreamcatcher_incomplete = The Dreamcatcher is incomplete. hint_being_cooldowned = You need to wait until the hint is recharged. skip_being_cooldowned = You need to wait a while before skipping again. dreamcatcher_no_active_parts_1 = I must collect the whole Dreamcatcher to help Laura. dreamcatcher_no_active_parts_2 = I will collect it piece by piece. dreamcatcher_no_active_parts_3 = The Dreamcatcher is not yet complete. 01_zoom_photo = It's probably Laura's friend in the photo. 01_zoom_flower = The flowers are artificial. It doesn't look like this bouquet was from a friend. 01_tube_1 = What a creepy place. I wonder, why are they keeping her in the cellar of the hospital? Are there not enough beds in the wards? 01_tube_2 = What dreadful conditions. It reminds me of those horror movies about experimenting on patients. 01_tube_3 = If patients are kept in cellars like this, where is all the taxpayer money going, I wonder? 01_cardiagram = The patient's state is stable. Too stable. Something has to be done about it. 01_lamp = This twinkling lamp annoys me. I will try not to pay attention to it. 01_zoom_apply_screwdriver_1 = I suppose this hardware was installed by Russians. Obviously, no one ever thought about the design and sensor panels. 01_zoom_apply_screwdriver_2 = Just have to replace several fuses. That's all. But how? 01_zoom_apply_screwdriver_3 = I've never been interested in radio electronics, but I think I must take off the lid first. 01_zoom_apply_screwdriver_4 = Ugh! This smoke stinks. 01_zoom_lora = The patient's state is stable. Too stable. Something has to be done about it. 01_lauras_tattoo = What's that? A tattoo? Unlikely. I haven't seen anything like that before. 01_click_poster1 = The point of the experiment I'm going to take part in is depicted on this poster. 01_click_poster2 = Frankly, I still can hardly believe I can get inside Laura's dream. 01_click_poster3 = Judging by the state of the poster, the Professor must have been thinking of the way to get inside a person's dream for many years. 01_click_helm = I will have to put on this helmet to get inside Laura's consciousness. 01_click_helm1 = This helmet is connected to the dream machine. I will put it on and find myself inside Laura's dream. 01_click_helm2 = This is the most mysterious part of the dream machine. And the very part that will help me get inside Laura's dream. 01_zoom_replace_fuses = Oh, here are the burnt fuses. These must be replaced. 01_zoom_neeed_3_fuses = I must find three fuses and replace them. That's all. 01_zoom_need_fuses = Not all the fuses are replaced yet . 01_zoom_worked_fuses = Well, now I have to switch this thing on. There is a handle above each of the fuses. I think this might help. 02_zoom_hourglass = It looks like an ordinary hourglass at first sight. But the sand doesn't sift. I guess something prevents it. 02_zoom_apply_hammer_1 = That's quite a strange way to close a drawer. Oh well, let it be. It's not a safe – it shouldn't be difficult to open it, right? 02_zoom_apply_hammer_2 = I can't straighten out these nails with my bare hands but I don't think it will take me long to figure out how to solve this task. 02_zoom_apply_sponge_1 = If my memory serves me right, these are the formulas of Chlorophorm, Natruim oxibutyratum and Barbital. These are sedative substances. 02_zoom_apply_sponge_2 = I always disliked chemistry. I wish it was written here where the fuse can be found. 02_zoom_clean_board = Wow! Who would have thought there would be a lot of common sense behind those formulas? 02_zoom_apply_key = Whoah. The dresser is locked. But where is the key? 02_zoom_code_saw = Aha! The code lock. I saw similar symbols on the board. 02_zoom_need_code = Oh, why is everything here not what it appears to be? Where am I supposed to look for the code? 02_empty_bucket = An empty bucket. Nothing special. 03_first_in = Whoah! Who could have imagined that this sweet and fragile girl would have such a dreadful dream? 03_first_laura = That was Laura! I'm sure of it! Something dragged her inside the ruined church. I must follow her. 03_first_laura_green = That's her! But she was terrified. And why did she run away? 03_world_has_transformed = Wow! It looks like as if I really broke one of those nightmares and the world transformed. 03_take_butterfly = This butterfly is so close that I could easy catch it. 03_after_27 = Well! Another job is done. What's going to be next, I wonder? 04_cross_click = Just think what might be going on in someone's head. It's a dream. Everything is just a dream. 04_zoom_title = Don't trust what you see. Is it a joke or a warning? 04_mg_need_caps = What a strange lock. Some parts are missing. 04_zoom_stones = Some stones were surely thrown later than the others. Perhaps there is something under them? 04_zoom_monument = This is Latin. Abandon all hope, you who enter. Yeah, frankly, that is not very encouraging. 04_click_church = I dread to think what is in there. 05_apply_sieve = It is no use seeking something in the sand with bare hands. 05_clown = I've always hated clowns. I won't be surprised by the presence of one in this dream. 05_clown_eyes = Was it a fancy or he is waiting for me? 05_benny = Oh! My old buddy again. And he has just what I need. 05_zoom_benny1 = Am I imagining it or is he asking me to give him food? But what does he eat? 05_zoom_benny2 = This little one is hungry. Is he herbivorous or carnivorous, I wonder? 05_zoom_benny3 = If only I had an apple, I would gladly share it but alas I have none! 05_zoom_benny4 = I need the thing he has in his hands badly but I fear he won't give it away that easily. 05_zoom_benny_ate = I can't believe it! He ate a butterfly without batting an eyelash! Whatever. Now I have the missing puzzle piece. 05_head_1 = I think a part of the clown is missing. 05_head_2 = Something is definitely missing here. 05_head_3 = I wouldn't like to be in his place with a hole in my head. 06_after_disappear_lora = Whoah! She vanished as if she never existed. Was it a fancy or is there something left behind? 06_zoom_hasp = It doesn't let go. It must be rusty all over. 06_after_pish_pish = Great! I wish it would be that easy with the rust in my life. 06_zoom_gate_benny_escaped = Hey! He nearly bit me! I should be on guard, just in case. 06_zoom_gate_while_closed = Well, that's much better. I just have to find the microphone to open this lock. 06_gate_with_ivy = These gates don't appear to have been opened for a long time - they are overgrown with shrubs. 06_after_cut_scene = Oh my God! He buried her alive. I must dig her out of the grave at once. 06_obana_wrench = It looks like a car wrench. But I can't take it out of here. 06_poster = The gates that open after a ringing of bells. Amusing. 06_microphone_second_1 = What's that? A microphone? 06_microphone_second_2 = And what am I supposed to do? Cast a door opening spell? 06_microphone_second_3 = Hey! Who's that? I think I should have a closer look. 06_microphone_second_4 = Oh, well. The microphone is in place. Now I have to ring the bells in the chapel. 06_microphone_first = Seems one microphone is missing. 06_gravestone = It looks like this gravestone is holding the plate somehow. I can't move it by hand. 06_apply_iron_bar = Great! Now the plate can be moved. 06_plate = She's there, alive, under this plate. But it's too heavy. And it's linked to the gravestone! Now I get the meaning of the phrase “I'm alive, save me." 06_cable = Yes! Now I must gain momentum and give it a nice pull. Well, I'll try. 06_apply_cable = Fantastic! Now I can pull out the gravestone. I hope the rope will hold. 06_apply_rust_remover = It doesn't let go. It must be rusty all over. 06_click_on_cable = This hook is used for towing. Usually it is hooked to a towrope. 06_click_on_gravestone = Yes! I can tear this stone out with the car. I just have to tie it up with the towrope. 07_benny_run_away = Hey! Where are you? Who was it, I wonder? I couldn't make him out clearly. 07_after_down_prism = Oh! There is someone in here. Who is it? 07_need_pomp = Oh! What a great luck! The wheel from the machine. It's even whole! I just need to pump it a little. 07_need_hose_1 = Hmmm! It's proving complicated as usual here. I must find the hose from the pump. 07_need_hose_2 = I would gladly pump this wheel but I guess it is impossible without a hose. 07_zoom_need_pliers = Great! No locks – just a wire. But what to remove it with? 07_cut_succeeded = Well, let's see what's there, behind the corner of the chapel. 07_need_take_jack_1 = The moment grows quite long in such a position. I could take the jack out. But it is tightly pressed by the plate. If only I could find a handle and lower it. 07_need_take_jack_2 = Nothing will come out of it without a handle. 07_mg_need_wheel_1 = Well, well. obviously something is missing here too. 07_mg_need_wheel_2 = It seems Laura doesn't want to be saved at all. Or else why lock and then break all the locks? 07_zoom_graves_monument = Here the name Young is embossed. I guess he is Laura's father. But why does he lie here and not by the chapel? Is he someone special? 07_mg_on_wall_symbol = What a strange symbol! What does it mean? 07_stone_1_tip = The saying is\nquite disputable. 07_stone_2_tip = Let's not dispute about it. 08_apply_ornament = The book is locked. And some part of the lock is missing. 08_zoom_pedestal = Wait. It's not a book, it's a box! 08_after_catscene = Great. I always dreamt about ringing the bells. I hope those who heard it didn't scatter. 08_on_absent_key = One key is missing. 08_unless_insert_key = These keys must be somehow connected with the bells. You press a key – and the bell rings. 08_tip_microphone = There is something like microphone up there. But it's too high and I can't reach it. 09_car = A catafalque. What else can we expect to see in the garage of the cemetery? 09_wheel_broke_1 = Oh no! Why does Laura like to ruin everything? Why couldn't she leave the wheel whole? 09_wheel_broke_2 = The car will go nowhere with this wheel. And it can't be repaired at all. 09_need_wheel = There! Half of the job is done. Only a trifle is left – to find a new wheel from the catafalque. 09_tires = Old tires. They are unlikely to be of use to me. 09_save_girl = Great, ha? The girl is buried alive over there, by the way. 09_zoom_wheel_try_set_wheel_without_key = Hey! I think something's under the car. It looks like an ignition key. I think I should take it before putting on a new wheel. 09_after_car_out = There. It is lighter and roomier here without the car. By the way, I see a shelf I didn't see because of the car before. 10_zoom_need_key = No sense to hope for the car key to be in the ignition lock. 10_turn_key = First, I need to replace the wheel. 10_push_radio = A-ha, while Laura is having a rest in a cozy and warm grave, I will sit here and listen to the radio. 10_after_voice_of_Laura = Who was that? Is it Laura? But how is she doing it? Ah,'s her dream. Okay, I need to hurry. 10_remove_jack = Oh, I forgot to remove the lifting jack. 11_no_lift = Laura went down on the platform. I think I must get there too. 11_no_lift_before_cemetry = The platform of the elevator is down. I think it can be lifted with the controller to the right. 11_click_on_mg = I think some elements are missing that are needed to link the chain. 11_infernal_hole = It's very hot down there. 11_click_on_fork = Great! I saw a fork like that in a movie about fishing. I wonder why it's here? 11_click_on_fork1 = Maybe you should hoist down a thermometer here on a rope? Okay, that was a bad joke. 11_after_lift_came = The elevator has arrived. But Laura is not in there. Well, I'll have to go down to follow her. 11_tip_strip = I can't reach it. I think I should raise the lift first.