5,|E|3,45022,Name something you might accidentally drop under the seat of your car.,!CHANGE| !COINS| =!MONEY| !PENNY| !PENNIES| !NICKEL| !NICKLES| !DIME| !QUARTER,29,!KEYS| !KEYCHAIN,17,!TOY| !DOLL| !STUFFED| !BEAR| !ACTION FIGURE,5,!LIGHTER| !zippo,5,!PEN| !PENCIL,5,CELL PHONE| =!PHONE| !TREO| !cellphone,4,!PDA| !ORGANIZER| !PALM| !POCKET| !BLACKBERRY| !treo,2 5,|E|3,44723,Name something a tourist might be wearing around their neck.,!CAMERA| !CAMCORDER| !VIDEO| !VIDEO| !POLAROID| !PHOTO| !35 MM| !thirtyfive| !thirty five| !POINT AND SHOOT| !NIKON| !CANON| !KODAK,60,!LEI| !FLOWERED| !FLORAL,13,!NECKLACE| !NECKLISS,10,!SCARF| !ASCOT,4,!NAME TAG| !NAMETAG| !BADGE| !ID,3,!SUNGLASSES| !SHADES| !SUN GLASSES,3 5,|E|3,45071,Name something you might see in the backseat of a car that would tell you it belongs to a mom.,CAR SEAT| !SEAT| !BOOSTER| !CARSEAT,54,!BABY| !INFANT| !babies,11,!CHILD| !KID| !CHILDREN| !TODDLER| !tot| !little ones| !wee,10,!TOYS| !DOLL| !ACTION FIGURE| !STUFFED| !BEAR,6,!PURSE| !HANDBAG| !pocketbook,5 5,|E|3,45025,Name an event in your life where you'd be unhappy if no one showed.,!WEDDING| !MARRIAGE| !MARAJ| !WED| !VOWS| !MARRY| !MARRIED| !NUPTUALS| !HITCHED,52,!BIRTHDAY| !BIRTH DAY| !BDAY,34,!GRADUATION| !commencement| !graduate,9,!FUNERAL| !WAKE| !eulogy| !graveyard| !cemetery,5 5,|2,43755,Name a part of the body that bends.,!KNEES| !legs,36,!ELBOW| !arms,22,!BACK,8,!FINGERS,5,!TOES,5 5,|2,43837,Name a circus performer who has to be in good physical shape.,TRAPEZE ARTIST| !TRAPEZE,70,!ACROBAT| !tumbler| !gymnast,15,TIGHTROPE WALKER| !TIGHTROPE| !rope| !walker,7,ANIMAL TRAINER| !TRAINER| !lion| !tamer| !tiger| !bear,2 5,|E|3,44484,Name something specific a child might hold in his hand at a carnival.,COTTON CANDY| !COTTON| !cottoncandy,55,!BALLOON,42,CANDY APPLE| !APPLE,3 5,|3,43944,Name something Bugs Bunny does in all his cartoons.,EATS CARROTS| !CARROTS,73,WHAT'S UP DOC?| !DOC| !WHATS UP| !SAYS| !ASKS,23,GOES IN RABBIT HOLE| !HOLE| !HIDES| !DIGS| !BURIES| !BURROWS,2,KISSES SOMEONE| =!KISS,2 5,|3,44213,Name something taxicabs have that regular cars don't.,!METER| !fare| =!money,75,SIGN ON TOP| !SIGN,8,YELLOW WITH CHECKERS| !YELLOW| !paint job| !paint| !colors| !design,5,DISPATCH RADIO| !DISPATCH| !TWO WAY| !RADIO| !CB,4