1. Resource to localize: pc2.xml (please do not convert the name to upper or lower case, as the file won't be found).
	VERY IMPORTANT: the localized XML file should be saved using UTF-8 text encoding, but the BOM characters ('ï>¿', three symbols at the beginning of the file) should be stripped. 

2. Localization entries begin AFTER the following lines:
<entry tag="TOPLEFT">1</entry>
<entry tag="FULL_GAME_URL">http://www.nevosoft.com/description/game-My-Kingdom-2/</entry>

3. Please leave the following combinations of the characters intact:
3.1. "^c" (colorized heading)
3.2. "\" (line feed), though these you may use for better fit.
3.3. "\\" (double line feed)