1. Configuration file: pc2.xml (please do not convert the name to upper or lower case, as the file won't be found).
2. Control lines:
2.1. 1
This bounds the game to the top left corner of the window. To use default alignment, remove the line or put '0' in the entry.
This sets 1:1 scale. To use default scale, remove the line or put '0' in the entry.
2.3. something.jpg
This forces the game to display a logo when the loading is finished. You can put as many logos as you want, they will be displayed one by one.
The logos should be placed in the same folder. Important note: the name is case sensitive!
2.4. 5
This line makes sense, if one or more logos exist. It means how much time to spend displaying each logo.
If you want to double logo's time, you can add another LOGO entry with the same file name.
2.5. http://www.nevosoft.com/description/game-My-Kingdom-2/
This entry defines the URL where the user can get the full version of game.
3. Custom loader screen
If you like to use customized loader screen, place a JPEG file named pc2.jpg in the same folder.
Important: the file name is case sensitive!
4. Important: in some cases, the game couldn't be tested locally. In such a case, a scary red window appears. Upload the game somewhere to test.