Trivia Machine - Flash web version from HipSoft LLC Version 1.03 Mar-28-2005 Questions? Please contact Brian Goble at or 425-556-5485 Be sure to unzip the file with the "Use folder names" option checked. NOTES: 1. The Settings.xml file contains the following xml nodes (usually you won't need to change these): API - set to 1 (true) for the Zone API - defaults to 0 (no API) SetCheat - set to 1 to enable the keyboard cheats. Set to 0 to switch off before deployment - defaults to false: - Pressing the number 1 (ascii 49) will allow you to complete a train car by filling one row only not all 12 Pressing the number 2 (ascii 50) will make the next level the last level in the game ScoreBroadcastTime - indicates how frequently (in milliseconds) the ScoreBroadcast API function is called. Set to 0 to switch off - defaults to 10000ms DownloadURL - http url used from within the game when the upsell dialog is displayed - not used in Zone version and defaults to a blank string in other versions DownloadWindowType - set to "_blank" to open the URL in a new window, or remove or set to "" to open url in the same browser window as the game GameOverUpsell - specifies whether to show an upsell dialog after the game over screen is shown GameOverUpsellDownload - set to 1 to enable the download button on game over and game complete upsells. Set to 0 to switch off. NewGameDownload - set to 1 to enable download button in Scenic upsell. Set to 0 to switch off LevelUpsellFrequency - set to the frequency the level upsell should be displayed between levels, e.g. set to 2 for upsell to display at the end of level 2 (note 2 is the default if the node is removed). LevelCompleteDownload - set to 1 to enable download button in Level Complete upsell. Set to 0 to switch off RotatePiece - Set to 1 to enable clicking around the train to rotate the currect piece. Set to 0 to switch this feature off. PictureMaxNumber - pictures are selected at random from the Photos folder. The number specified here indicates the number of pictures to select from. If pictures are added, the total number of pictures in the folder should be entered here 2. All game files must be contained in the folder "PEFiles" with the exception of the hosting web page. The "PEFiles" folder can be placed anywhere on the host server, but for proper operation on some web server such as apache it needs to be under the directory of the hosting page. NOTE: The BASE parameter must not appear in the EMBED tag otherwise it will not work in Mozilla Firefox The source needs to be replaced with an Absolute URL "PE_HostingFile.htm" is an example of hosting the game on a web server. 3. The CoLogo .pcx files in the root are uncompressed versions of the HipSoft logo. They can be used to create a new CoLogo.jpg file that can be placed in the "PEFiles" directory so that it will be used by the game. VERSION HISTORY: 1.00 - initial release