I. To add a new logo: 1. Open the file assets/config.xml 2. Find Tag "LOGOS_COUNT" 3. Change the required number of logos 4. Add new tag which is named "LOGO_X", where x => index of logo - 1. II. To change the download link: 1. Open the file assets/config.xml 2. Find Tag "FLASH_VARS_DEFAULTS" 3. Change in "defaultCommandLine" attribute key "downloadableURL" to reqired site. Example: III.To change the resources directory and localization: 1. Open .html-file through which you are running .swf-file. Change a row to run swf file to enable custom flash settings. We support the watch options: language - language of localization country - country of localization downloadableURL - link for download full version cheatsEnabled - cheats will be enabled, if this option is true assetsDir - path to resources directory(default value: "assets") Example: "autodetectLanguage=false&language=en&country=US&downloadableURL=http://www.awem.com/romance-of-rome.html&cheatsEnabled=true&assetsDir=data" It indicates to flash, you need to load the file data\en_US.xml Important: if you do not specify in the .hTML-file startup parameters, they will be initialized with default values, which are listed in configXML.xml the tag FLASH_VARS_DEFAULTS IV. About cheats: 1. Press F1 on anywhere screen for adding 100 coins to your score. 2. Press F2 on locations for adding to your hint progress 10% of time. 3. Press F3 on locations for collecting of all items. 4. Press F4 on selector screen for complete all locations and UserScreen.