There are two files in the cfg folder that need to be edited. -config -partners In the config file, the following fields may be edited under the section; -0 Set this value to 1 for Pachinko functionality. -[enter partner name here] - -currently, this link points to the iwin site by default. THis is the ""Download Full Version" button in the game. In the partners xml file, a list of partner logos and URLs are listed. If you need to add an additional logo and link, please enter that information here. Artwork for the partner logos must be in the form of a .swf file and is located here: \cfg\partners The partner name is the name entered in the [enter partner name here] section mentioned above. At the end of each entry is a "tabframe" entry and a number. This number controls the width of the tab wheree the logos appear in the interface. If, after entering your partner information and running the game, you find that the logos overlap, increase this value by 1. In order to set the Link and Download windows to open in the same browser window, you can change the following: In "\cfg\EN" there lives a file called “StringTable.xml” The first two lines control how the new windows are created... javascript:winopen('[PopupUrl]','pop','640','760','yes','yes') javascript:winopen('[PopupUrl]','pop','640','760','yes', 'yes') Change the ‘pop’ to ‘_self’