#Violet:some commented text, u shouldnt see that in game #parameters can be given in any order, for example this gives same results #Cassandra[yesno][200][300,500]:Oh, Violet, I can't thank you enough for recovering my family's magical ring. #Cassandra[300,500][200][yesno]:Oh, Violet, I can't thank you enough for recovering my family's magical ring. #parameters can be omited in any order as well #Violet[next]:You're welcome, Cassandra. But can we get on with this hocus-pocus business and find my brother? We've wasted a lot of time looking for that ring. 01_living_room_CARD Cassandra[500][630,700]:Mystery and more! I have a deck of cards somewhere here, it's time for solitaire. 01_living_room_NEWSPAPER Cassandra[500][700,700]:This deck is really strange - at least, the Queen of Clubs behaves so strangely. I probably should go to the museum and find out more about this mysterious story. 02_museum_BEGIN Cassandra[500][700,700]:Wow! This is really a museum of antiquities! First, I'll try to search for magic cards here! 02_museum_END Cassandra[500][700,700]:It seems that the museum has a library, maybe it will have some useful information. 03_books_room_BEGIN Cassandra[500][700,700]:Hmm, no one is here. OK, I'll go search by myself. 03_books_room_END Director[350][320,350]:What are you doing here? The library does not accept visitors now. Cassandra[500][700,700]:Today a very strange card flew into my window, and a newspaper revealed that it's from a magic deck which has disappeared. I think I can help you find these magic cards. Director[500][320,350]:Thank God! I had a hunch that someone will be able to return the magical deck. I can direct you toward tracking down the robbers - it seems that from the windows of the building across the street from the museum some surveillance was carried out on us, try to look there. 04_street_BEGIN Cassandra[500][700,700]:So, which apartment of this huge building should I visit? 04_street_WINDOW Cassandra[500][700,700]:Cards suggest that I need to go to that apartment over there. 05_kitchen_BEGIN Cassandra[500][700,700]:It seems I'm going to have a long day - why not go eat something? 05_kitchen_END Cassandra[500][700,700]:Well, the kitchen was quite useful. Let's see - what's in the living room? 06_keys_BEGIN Cassandra[500][700,700]:Oh, what's lying on the chair over there? 06_keys_END Cassandra[500][700,700]:Well, everything is clear with the apartment. I'll go to the museum and look around the room marked on this plan. 07_museum_BEGIN Director[350][320,350]:Oh, it's you again! I thought about everyone who could rob us, and our security guard came to mind. There was a dossier on him somewhere around here. 07_museum_PIECES Cassandra[500][700,700]:It looks like there are pieces of one more card on the table - I should put it together! 07_museum_MCARD Cassandra[500][700,700]:Excellent! Another magic card found! 07_museum_END Cassandra[500][700,700]:Well, I'm not going to lose any time, I'll go give a visit to our card thief. 08_room_smash_BEGIN Cassandra[500][700,700]:Hmmm ... you can only find this kind of disorder in the criminal's apartment. But even in this mess you might find something useful! 08_room_smash_PHOTOTHINGS Cassandra[500][700,700]:There are some photography devices and everything that's connected with it. I'll search in this area. 09_living_room_BEGIN Badman[350][360,295]:Well, finally! Just what I've been waiting for! Cassandra[500][700,700]:So, are you that frustrated thief of the magic deck? Badman[350][360,295]:Well, I've already collected most of it in my basement! And, by the way, sooner or later I will become the owner of the entire deck! Cassandra[500][700,700]:Well, since we're such big fans of cards - let us be judged by solitaire! 09_living_room_END Cassandra[500][700,700]:Yes, these cards really can work miracles! The villain is no longer dangerous! I'll go into his basement, where I hope to find the remaining cards. 10_underground_BEGIN Cassandra[500][700,700]:I see he didn't just steal cards, but there are many exhibitions from the museum here. They need to be returned. 10_underground_END Cassandra[500][700,700]:A few magic cards are still missing ... I'll go to the museum - maybe the director will tell me something. 11_museum_END Cassandra[500][700,700]:It's me again. I managed to find almost all of the cards ... there is just one missing - the Queen of Clubs, where this all began with. Director2[350][320,350]:All right, you've accomplished quite a feat! According to legend, one card in this deck is always missing, so nobody can use it for their own purposes - whether good or bad. Cassandra[500][700,700]:Hmmm, that's a funny story... Director2[350][320,350]:I have a gift for you for all of your efforts. This is a book of divination - for the fan of solitaire and for playing with destiny! 12_street_BEGIN Cassandra[500][700,700]:Yes ... I've got cool a adventure plan... Urgent - a nice, hot bath and a large cup of tea! 12_street_END Cassandra[500][700,700]:This is it! The last card of the deck! I can rule the world, if I can just catch it! Although...